The short film “Grape Season” directed by Behrouz Khorram will be present in the fourth edition of the Meihodo Festival, which will be held in New York City from March 10, 2022 to March 19, 2022.
With the cooperation of Japanese and American cinematographers, this festival, with the aim of supporting and discovering young cinema talents, has hosted leading figures of the world cinema such as Juliette Binoche, Ang Lee, Tan Don, etc., and this year, the Oscar-winning actor Michael Douglas as a consultant and special guest. will be present at this event. Short fiction films, documentaries, music videos, etc. are among the main sections of this festival, and in addition to the grand prize of 20,000 dollars, other cash prizes will be awarded to the winners in each section. The short film "Grape Season" written by Elham Nami and Behrouz Khorram and produced by Amin Azarian by First Screen Film Distribution Company